
11th International Conference on Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases

The organizing committee is delighted to welcome you to be a part of “4th Annual Conference on Bacterial, Viral and Infectious Diseases” Webinar scheduled for October 12, 2021. This Bacterial diseases 2021 Webinar will focus on the theme “Winds of Change and Innovation in Bacterial, Viral and Infectious Diseases” that provides a global platform to discuss about the present and future challenges.

Bacterial diseases 2021 will provide an international platform for discussion and representing their views on present and future challenges in various infectious diseases, latest diagnosis methods and modern treatments. It gives an opportunity to the young to represent their thought regarding the forensic bacteriology, forensic virology and the techniques regarding this.

Conference Sessions

Bacteriology and Virology
Clinical Pathology
Biofilms and Biosensors
Bacterial and Viral Infectious diseases
Pediatric Pathology
Microbial Molecular biology
Recombinant Protein Production and Enzymology
Foodborne Infections and their Prevention
Microbiology of Water
Bacterial Nanotechnology
Antibacterial Drugs
Marine Microbiology and Marine Infectious Diseases
Soil Microbiology
Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases
Industrially Important Microorganisms
Microbial Immunology
Vaccines and Therapeutics
Global Spread of Viruses

Contact Information

Name: Sarah Hepzibah
Phone: Whatsapp: +44-2039369064
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: https://bacterialdiseases.infectiousconferences.com/