Rhinoplasty: What is it and when to consider it!

Rhinoplasty is a medical procedure that involves surgery of the nose. Usually, it is done as an outpatient procedure, so you will not need to stay overnight in a hospital. Anesthetics, whether local or general, are also administered for your comfort and safety.

You might be more familiar with the terms “nose job”, “nasal surgery”, or “nose reshaping”, yet all of these refer to the same process that alters the structure, shape, and overall appearance of the nose. When you opt to undergo this surgical procedure, your nose’s bone, cartilages (both upper and lower ones), or both may be worked on by your surgeon, to achieve your desired results.

Aside from obsessing over your nose job before and after photos, it is important to consider whether or not you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty that a good specialist can evaluate and recommend.

Some of the reasons to consider Rhinoplasty include:

  • Medical correction. While rhinoplasty is a commonly known cosmetic surgical procedure, some patients undergo the process for other medical reasons as well. For example, if you suffer from a deviated septum, you might want to consider undergoing rhinoplasty to correct the condition involving your nasal septum. The same goes if you are a patient who needs medical intervention in order to open up passages in the nasal area. Your blocked nasal passages can be fixed during a rhinoplasty to fix and avoid further problems in breathing. Similarly, fixing inborn nasal birth defects may also call for rhinoplasty.
  • Restorative purposes. On the other hand, if you suffered from facial injuries due to an accident or any another similar physically-damaging mishap, rhinoplasty can also help you restore your nose’s symmetry and form.
  • Aesthetic concerns.   Finally, if you want to enhance your facial features, you can also opt to undergo rhinoplasty. Because sometimes, you might also have other cosmetic concerns that you might want to improve. This includes size reduction of your entire nose or only its nasal tip. Or a crooked nose that you might want to straighten.

No matter what drives the need for Rhinoplasty, always consider a certified specialist to consult.

Author: Rana Tarakji, whose work has appeared in a wide range of publications in print and online, including Upwork, Christian Today, Newswire, and many other outlets.

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