Annual Midwifery and Pediatric Nursing Conference
The conference committee invites all participants to “Annual Midwifery and Pediatric Nursing Conference” which is scheduled during November 21-22, 2019 at Dubai, UAE which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, and Exhibitions.Conference series through its open access Initiative is committed to make genuine and reliable contribution to the scientific community. This conference focuses around the theme “Exploring latest technologies in the field of Midwifery and Pediatric Nursing”
Conference Sessions
Pediatric Nursing
Nursing Research
Women’s Health
Gynecology and Obstetrics
Emergency Nursing
Patient Safety
Health Sciences in Nursing
Child Right and Safety
Family Planning
Midwifery Care
Surgical Nursing
Neonatal Nursing
Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
Effects of Complications During Childbirth
Pregnancy and Prenatal Care
Influence of Drugs and General Awareness in Pregnancy
Contact Information
Name: James Herriot
Phone: +44-203-7690-972
E-Mail: [email protected]