3rd World Congress on Cardiology
We take the privilege to invite you to attend our “3rd World Congress on Cardiology” to be held during May 21 – 22, 2020 at Valencia, Spain with the theme “With a healthy heart, the beat goes on”.
Our aim is to bring all the eminent people around the world to one stage and let the world know about new innovation and research.
We would like you to be a part of this wonderful event
Conference Sessions
Advances In Cardiology Education
Cardiac and Cardiovascular Surgeries
Cardiac Diagnostic and Tests
Cardiac Drugs
Cardiac Imaging and Technology
Cardiac Regeneration and Repair
Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities
Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure
Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology
Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery
Cardiovascular Alternative Medicine
Cardiovascular Case Studies
Cardiology Industries Market Research
Cardiovascular Pathology
Case Reports On Cardiac Surgery
Clinical and Experimental Cardiology
Clinical Manifestations of Atherosclerosis
Critical Cardiac Care
Current Research in Cardiology
Efficient Medical Practices Arrhythmia
Pediatric Cardiology
Pregnancy Hypertension
Recent Innovations in Cardiothoracic Surgery
Valve Replacement
Contact Information
Name: Cole
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: https://www.eurocardiologyconference.org/