
5th Annual Meet on Obesity and Diet

5th Annual Meet on Obesity and Diet to be held during July 09-10, 2020 as an online event. On this felicitous occasion, Organizing Committee invites the participants from all over the globe to take part in this Annual congress with the theme: ‘Explore innovative strategies on obesity, nutrition and diet management’ Obesity Annual 2020 encourages various method in the study of chronic diseases in association with obesity and malnutrition and highlighting on scenario of healthy weight loss with good nutrition and advanced treatment for obesity.

This Annual 2020 gathering will attempt to provide a perfect stage to Researchers, Scholars, and key Speakers to share data and experiences and empower people with their deep knowledge on obesity and diet management and aspire them to fight against the worldwide risk.

Conference Sessions

Metabolic Effect of Obesity
Obesity And Diet
Diet Managment
Nutrition And Obesity
Obesity Genetics
Obesity And Cardiovascular Diseases
Obesity And Diabetes
Clinical Endocrinology
Cancer And Obesity
Complications In Obesity
Effect Of Obesity On Women Health And Pregnancy
Obesity In Children And Adolescents
Obesity And Weight Loss
Treatment For Obesity
Anti Obesity Drugs
Dietary Supplements
Prevention And Control Of Obesity
Current Research On Obesity And Diet
Yoga and Naturopathy

Contact Information

Name: Sophia Martin
Phone: +44 1620360005
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: https://obesity.annualcongress.com/