International Conference on Herbal Medicine & Complementary Alternative Healthcare
Coalesce Research Group warmly welcomes you to International Conference on Herbal Medicine and Complementary Alternative Healthcare “(Herbal Medicine 2021)” which is going to be held on ‘November 11-12, 2021’ at ‘Bangkok, Thailand’ with the ongoing theme “Enlightening new innovations in Herbal Medicine & CAM therapies”.
It is our great honour and pleasure to invite all the eminent researchers, students and delegates to participate and witness the valuable scientific contributions and research innovations in the field of Herbal and Alternative medicine. The main theme is to underpin the need for collaboration and cooperation of individuals from a wide range of professional backgrounds.
The Conference is a global platform to meet and interact with the leading scientists, researchers as well as sponsors and exhibitors. We hope you will join us for a symphony of outstanding medical science, and take a little extra time to enjoy the spectacular and unique beauty Bangkok, Thailand.
Conference Sessions
Herbal Medicine
Alternative Medicine
Complementary Medicine
Traditional Medicine
Ancient Healing Systems
Medicinal Plants and Herbs
Marine herbal Products
Pharmaceutical herbal extracts
Herbal Drug Procreation and Manufacturing
Herbal Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals
Global market for herbal medicine
Herbal medicine application in chronic diseases
Scope and importance of herbal medicine and CAM therapies
Advanced researches in different herbal and complementary alternative medicine
Role of Herbal and CAM therapies in pandemic outbreaks
Bangkok Traditional Thai Therapy
Energy Therapies
Mind-body therapies
Contact Information
Name: Karleen Gloria
Phone: +1-718-543-9362
E-Mail: [email protected]