European Summit on HIV, STD and STIs
Euro HIV Meet 2020 cordially invites all the Researchers, Academicians, Students and Business professionals in the field of STI, STD, and HIV/AIDS to the “European Summit on HIV, STD and STI” scheduled for August 19-20, 2020 at Milan, Italy.
The conference includes prompt Keynote Presentations, Oral Talks, Poster Presentations, Workshops and Exhibitions. As said “Prevention is better than cure”, we also believe that sharing the knowledge and discussing about the field of infectious diseases which have become progressively important to Public Health is the major aspects to which everyone should be aware of.
Conference Sessions
AIDS stigma and discrimination
Epidemiology of HIV AIDS & Infectious Diseases
HIV and AIDS Nursing Care Management
Awareness & Information on HIV-AIDS, STDs, STIs
Viral, Bacterial, Fungal & Protozoan STDs
HIV aging and bone damage
HIV and Cancer: Risks, Types & Treatment
HIV & hepatitis B, hepatitis C & Tuberculosis (TB)
Pharma & the business of HIV/AIDS, STDs & STIs
HIV in Men
Infectious Diseases Prevention, Control and Cure
HIV in Women
HIV in Children and Adolescents
Types of STDs and Infectious Diseases
HIV-AIDS prevention, Treatment and Care
HIV and Pregnancy
HIV-AIDS & Retroviral diseases affecting Afro-Asian Continents
Last stage care & Nursing for persons HIV-AIDS
Venereal Diseases Prevention and Treatment
STD and Infertility
Side Effects of HIV Medicines
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV
Effects of alcohol/drugs on people with HIV-AIDS
HIV medicines & Antiretroviral therapy (ART)
HIV and Kidney Disease
HIV Diagnosis and Therapy
HIV Drug Discovery, Research & Development
HIV-AIDS clinical & behavioral studies
Advanced Techniques involved in STDs
Contact Information
Name: Emma Green
Phone: +44 1293 324010
E-Mail: [email protected]